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Inspiration Activation is a journey into Self-embodiment through Movement, Breathwork & Sound. We guide workshops & retreats to ultimately guide you back into alignment with your intrinsic wisdom. Our events weave contemplative cultural travel with powerful practices that are open to all skill levels.

We believe that taking time to retreat inwards provides the clarity which empowers one to live their ideal life.

By creating safe nonjudgmental spaces dedicated to Self-exploration & growth,
we are building a community, and thus changing the world that we all share.


As we reach one year of bringing deep meaningful experiences to those willing to show up for their own Self growth, have have created many new offerings and opportunities.


To assist the growth & expansion of those around us, we will now be providing our retreat collaborators personal mentorship about hosting & facilitating others through transformational experiences.


Within our mission to keep the retreat experience accessible for all people, we have created a financial aid scholarship program and also a place for those who would like to sponsor someone that would otherwise not be able to afford this experience.


We also have considered the negative impacts of tourism & have created a give-back program for those who want to help us off-set our impact, and directly support the local people we visit.


Our long term goal is to build a sustainable sanctuary to share community, host events & spend long days in the garden together. We have spent time developing our desires, getting clear on our needs & are in process of calling in our ideal home.


You can read more about these individual programs by clicking here.


Within our expansion we have found the need for support. Team work truly does make the dream work, and this project is much bigger than any one of us or any one single event. We have all experienced how Inspiration Activation has impacted us each individually & how it has trickled from us out into the world and the people we interact with. We consider you our extended family and want to share these concepts & opportunities with you first, as we value you recommendations and feedback. 


We are seeking 1-3 individuals who are very passionate about Inspiration Activation and want to invest in our growth so that we may further our reach.


Areas of focus in need:

-editorial work

-website / checking functions

-graphic design / image, brand & flyer creating

-flyer distributor

-social media 

-brainstorm space holder (email, video or phone conversing to share ideas & opinions)

-financial investor (assistance with start up costs needed to expand)


Benefits of this position will be catered to the applicant & their workload. Some examples of perks are:

% off all Inspiration Activation Workshops & Retreats

First dibs on all retreat reservations

% of income earned from specific retreat you were an integral part of

promotions about your service both nationally & internationally

$/hr payment as independent contractor


Please email us directly at with your letter of interest. We would love to connect with you about how our visions align.


Enjoy the video below of our 2019 Belize Retreat attendees sharing about their experience:












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